I’ll never forget last year in April I was at one of my loneliest times ever since losing my husband, Pat 18 months earlier. My endurance had just about vanished, and I was extremely sad. I made the decision to phone a friend. An unusual concept for me, since I like to be the one to always help others. My vulnerability came through loud and clear as I poured out my heart to my friend. He listened intently and soon my crying turned to laughter as we shared stories together. After he prayed with me, I felt maybe I could have the strength to move forward from the loneliness I felt so deeply.
I’m sure you have been there in those gut-wrenching moments wondering how you will ever come through such difficulties in your life. I certainly would encourage you to phone a friend. One of the most important things we can do on this earth is to let people know they are not alone. The journey of sorrow is never easy, but during our pain, there can be strength from others’ that God uses to help in our times of need.
On the other hand, sometimes we must go back to our core beliefs about God and just review the basics. In the book, Lead Like Jesus by Ken Blanchard, Phil Hodges, and Phyllis Hendry, here are six questions to help guide you in challenging times to review the basics about God:
1. Is God good?
2. Do you believe He has a plan and a purpose for your life?
3. Do you believe anyone, or anything can change God’s plan for you?
4. Do you believe God loves you?
5. Do you believe everything in your life can be used for His glory and your good as He promised?
6. Can you trust Him with the details of your life?
If you can honestly answer those fundamental questions and apply them to your life, I believe we could have the same conclusion, that the pain in our lives cannot compare with the joy that is coming. (Romans 8:18)
So many times, I have been reminded of Isaiah 43:18-19, Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.
If you rearrange the letters in the word Depression, you’ll get “I pressed on.” Remember your current situation is not your final destination.
Remind yourself of God’s faithfulness and don’t forget to phone a friend. You could be that person who makes everybody feel like a somebody!
You are loved!
Your friend, Sharon
