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Power Beyond Our Expectations!

Writer: SharonDoddsSharonDodds

Seeing God’s creation sometimes has a way of reminding us how mighty and magnificent he really is……

One of my favorite places to visit is Niagara Falls where you can experience the magnitude of power viewing three gorgeous falls: Horseshoe, American, and the Bridal Veil. Hearing the roar of over 750,000 gallons of water crashing down every second is almost beyond description. It is unforgettable and yet breathtaking at the same time. Recently my son, Nate, and I experienced the view by helicopter, and we were in awe even though the experience only lasted 8 minutes.

You might wonder, where does all this water and power lead? It is not wasted since it is converted into hydraulic power supplying electric to neighboring states. Since first discovered in 1678 by a European priest, Father Louis Hennepin, the falls have been explored and visited by hundreds. Recognizing that the water source comes from the Great Lakes to Niagara Falls supplying a percentage of our energy which then eventually flows through the St. Lawrence River and reaches the Atlantic Ocean is extremely impressive to me!

Let’s think about us, where we are in our life journey today? Sometimes I admit I feel helpless and stuck in my own grief. Maybe at times you feel that way too. Missing your loved one morning, noon, and night.   It can be so discouraging!  But here’s the Good News. Jesus said in Matthew 5:3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” In other words, when we are so desperate and at the end of our rope, we can be blessed with His presence and power. With less of us there is more room for God and his power. There is no way I can run on empty and make it through tough times. The kingdom of heaven is above yet within us. We have the power of the Holy Spirit within us. You can read about it in Ephesians 3:14-20.    That is my prayer for us.   Focusing on the last verse: “Now unto him who is able to do immeasurably more that all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.”

Here's the truth: Whether you visit Niagara Falls by air, land, or sea it is truly spectacular! But it is not even a drop in the bucket of the power available to us if we know Jesus. Just remember our faith does not make things easy but it does make everything possible by the Holy Spirit that is within us.

Be Blessed my friends,




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