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Life is Short, Try Jotting

Writer's picture: SharonDoddsSharonDodds

Everyday time flies over us but leaves its shadow behind. What is the one thing we all have most in common? The answer is TIME!

Each and every one of us have 24 hours that passes leaving an impression on us daily. For many years I kept a journal of each days happenings, which could be quite daunting at times to get it written on paper while being a busy mother. However, five years ago, I heard an idea from Craig Groeschel at a Global Leadership Conference about a way to simplify my journaling.  An all-in-one book consisting of five years. A 5-YEAR Journal! I began mine and got hooked on it. It was such a great idea to quickly jot down life happenings on a few lines available in the book. Within a few months I purchased one for each of my children. Even my husband, (a non-journal type) got on board with it. When he passed away, it meant so much to ourchildren to see their names in print as he occasionally mentioned them.

Now that I have finished my 5-YEAR journal, I have glanced back at the previous five years…….In five years we had a Presidential election, we all went through Covid, I traveled overseas twice, my mother accepted Christ, we had seven deaths in the family, four grandchildren were born into our family, two grandsons graduated from high school, we had a wedding, a daughter had breast cancer, I built a house, I moved, I got engaged……And those are only the highlights.

Our memories can easily fade over time, details written down are so helpful as we look back and give credit to God who oversees it all.  We can’t stop time even though sometimes we may think we want to. Life changes so quickly. We can be happy one day and feel totally broken the next. I have learned to value the moments we have each day we are given breath to live here on earth. Lost time is never found again. It is my prayer that you don’t get stuck in the routine of life but take time to stop and appreciate one of the greatest gifts God has given us all of us……TIME.

Even though we all have many life challenges, we decide how happy we want to be. Don’t waste your time in anger, regrets, worries, or unforgiveness. Life is too short to stay unhappy. There are no do overs in life. A quote from the movie, “Shawshank Redemption”, “You either get busy living or get busy dying.” We can spend our days just going through the motions OR we can anticipate each day with a new opportunity to audaciously trust God in new ways. Like the song: “Borrowed Time”, by Jon Pardi, We’re all just livin on borrowed time. Can’t push a button and hit rewind. From the day we’re born ‘til we’re standin’ in the judgement line. We’re all just here livin’ on borrowed time.

I hope you will consider purchasing a 5-Year Journal. It has been one of my greatest blessings! What better way to look back and see the hand of God at work in your life!

Your friend, Sharon    



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